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Falsirrone of Gold Naleth

Put two ships in the open sea, without wind or tide, and, at last, they will come together; it is a fatality, a question of time; that is all.

Jules Verne

About Falsirrone


Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Current Rank/Craft: Journeywoman Smith

Physical Description:
Tough and wiry with stunning alabaster white skin, clear grey-blue eyes and dark hair, there is a subtle aura of strength about Falsirrone that nevertheless does not diminish her femininity. She has always been a slight woman with a courtesan's grace... traits very much at odds with her craft affiliation. Truly, she's a splendid swordsmith, and is in the midst of pursuing her mastery.  Unfortunate trips to a parallel Pern nonwithstanding.  She finds she likes it here in the 14th Pass. 

Calm, cool, collected. Like the blades she forges, Falsirrone is hard to read and even harder to ruffle. She avoids personal entanglements and prefers to be known only for her work and work ethic - not who she knows or how she smiles. Still, she enjoys quiet company, and has been known to take on irregular commissions if the person in question is of a certain type. (Read: quiet, studious bookworm.) Those folks she'll endlessly question in her quiet way, her thoughtful manner of speaking putting to rest any concern that she may be a closet firebrand.

Positive Trait List Thoughtful, calm, dependable
Negative Trait List Aloof, judgmental, particular

About Naleth

Naleth's Pedigree

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