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Coast Hold


Established some time in the 6th Pass of the Red Star, Coast Hold has a long, long history of doing exactly nothing.  Nothing besides reading the tides, navigating by the stars and harnessing the wind.  Occasionally one or two of the youngsters would find themselves Searched, but it was neither celebrated nor frowned upon.  In Coast Hold, you just did your best.  Whatever shape that happened to take.  It is probably ironic that such a strange happening as the Waypoint would show up near such a 'normal' place as Coast Hold, but nobody really seems to care.  When odd things wash up in the fishing nets or stumble up on the beach, everyone just seems to shrug it off.


Or maybe that is Mara's magic at work?


Whatever the case may be, Coast Hold isn't the sort of place to attract tourists.  It has some natural beauty, but the entire eastern coastline has similar vistas.  As a result, it is the perfect place to hide a colony of magic-wielding aliens.  


Coast Hold is a shockingly tolerant place to be, particularly when compared to nearby holds of similar size and demographics.  Everyone minds their own business. Most everyone has a job to do.  Even the chronically nosey have better things to do then to muck about in someone else's business - like reading the latest news reports out of Fort Hold or the editorials from the Print Hall.  

What is notable, however, is the complete lack of faith the Hold has on it's neighboring major population centers - Benden Hold and Bitra Hold.  Coast Hold stands on it's own, cheerfully independent, feet - thank you.  They trade willingly enough with merchants, and will grant most anyone temporary leave to rest weary feet, but rest assured the Hold doesn't need anyone else.  The upper plateau is host to several farmcrafters who keep the Hold stocked with essentials, while the main craft - Fishing - provides all the protein needed for a healthy population.


Technology & Crafts

Coast Hold has all of the practical innovations of the 14th Pass, but can not be called a bastion of innovation or creative thinking.  The people here know what they are good at, and they stick to traditions for the most part.  Convincing them to adapt new practices requires a bit of time and patience, but the craftmasters and leadership of Coast Hold can be counted on to see reason in the face of increased efficiency and ease-of-use. 

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