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Urushiol Balechild

The substance on plants such as poison ivy that triggers an allergic rash.

Parents: Ny'aune Selamputo x Pariah Balechild



Origin: Phe's Shipping Squares

Color: Strawberry Tree

Gender: Female


These dragons are Balespawn. They cannot produce half-breeds. Any mating with a Balespawn will produce more Balespawn, even when new physical traits or abilities are inherited. Balespawn are a line of dragons that live to spread their own power and influence. They don't have to be evil but they're self-serving and power-seeking, loyal to their mother-goddess Anathema Scalesbane and her bloodline.


Abilities & Information

General Info


Adult size falls around 20' at the shoulder on average when not sizeshifted.




  • Balefire Breath, The ability to spit a gout of bright green corruptive balefire.

  • Corruption Powers, Mastery over the corruption of anything around them, organic, inorganic, and magical alike.

  • Immortality, The cessation of physical aging upon reaching maturity and possession of eternal life thereafter. Can still be killed by lethal injuries.

  • Realm-Travelling, Above and beyond simple teleportation, the ability to realm-travel and cross into dimensions separated from the Nexus by more than mere space and time.

  • Shapeshifting (Human-Dragon Spectrum), The ability to shapeshift anywhere on a spectrum between their natural shape and a human form that tends to retain the coloration of their natural draconic form.

  • Sizeshifting, The ability to change one's physical size.

  • Toxic Moss, Their bodies are capable of growing mosslike foliage that contains their natural corruptive essences. The rashes that result from touching this moss could expand into corrupted mutations.

  • Telepathy, The ability to communicate mind-to-mind.

  • Teleportation, The ability to teleport anywhere within sight or that can be strongly visualized in the mind.

  • Verbal Speech, The ability to communicate in spoken words


Bonding is preferred, but they only take bonds of intent compatible to their own. Bonding is simply another means to spread their influence. They will happily take multiple bonds with themselves as the dominant member.


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