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Two Dried Leaves

Ie'vo & Green Vilzirth

Impressed at Isla Weyr

Sport Frenzy #32o


Sunset Orange Nyth & Brown Green Taviorth


Rider for Alt Benden Weyr

Ie'vo is a male rider specializing in diplomacy - weyr to weyr


Height: very short, almost childish in height, Build: lithe but muscled

Skin: creamy, freckled, Hair: prematurely white, Hairstyle: wavy, shoulder length, Eyes: hazel gold


Searched: the morning of the Hatching



Your place of birth was a town or city of an alien race, a human among the elves or something similar. You were raised by your birth parents, who were tradesmen. They are all dead, murdered by someone. You don't know who.



You have the following siblings:


An adopted younger brother that you have lost touch with.

An older sister that you are very close to.

An older sister that you have lost touch with.



You favor the working garb of a diplomat, dark, comfortable and pristine. You wear your hair long and flowing. 


Important Events

You have experienced the following important events:


  • You obtained a pet, a supernatural creature of some kind.

  • You spent several months engaged in formal study, sharpening your wits.

  • You spent some time with street performers, developing balance and agility.

  • You made a friend, someone younger than you that you feel protective about. They are a somewhat important local figure.

  • An incapacitating accident left you laid up for several months.

  • You spent several months engaged in formal study, sharpening your wits.

  • Your long-term relationship ended when you discovered your partner was cheating on you.



Name: Vilzirth

Gender: female

Species: Pernese

Color(s): green

Size Class: sport

Suggested Length: 34' 8"

Suggested Height: 6' 7"

Personality Traits: foolhardy, lonley

Sponser Requirements: requires a bond



  • telepathy: can speak using his/her mind only

  • teleportation: can travel to a different location instantly

  • telekinesis: can move objects with their mind

  • assisted fire breath: can breath fire after digesting firestone


XGwdF XGw+dF Rr Bb CScx Tt EE/Ee iiK+K+ pp Oo1 S'S**/*R A4A UU* Hh MM


Genetic Base: green

Base Hexcode: #1b7c28



  • XG XG Rr Bb. a green female dragon

  • ww+ dd. a sport sized dragon; is not turned white

  • FF. has a 11% chance to clutch if chewing firestone

  • CScx. dragon does not have a change in color; has color sets for: solid

  • Tt. wings do not change color; does not have color sets

  • EE/Ee. hide is a brighter saturation (33%)

  • iiK+K+ pp. color is near black (76%)

  • Oo1 S'S**/*R. does not have speckles; carries heavy density in a pattern; has color sets for: natural base

  • A4A. no markings; does not have color sets

  • UU*. no clouding; does not have color sets

  • Hh. does not have any shimmer

  • MM. dominate for no multiples


Department of Chemistry
Science Center

500 Terry Francois St.
San Francisco, CA 94158


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