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Two Dried Leaves

N'ral & Brown-speckled Blue Iojith

Impressed at the Dragonhope Weyr Giveaway

Year 10,  Version 3 Clutch


Bronze-Speckled Gold Memelinath & Bronze Jiioth

Clutch Record HERE

V3Y10 Brown-speckled Blue Iojith
(pern) Nasteral (N’ral) Status: Guild Born     Age: 14     Gender: male     Siblings: one half-sibling from their mother's side
Born: last
Legitimacy: born while their parents were married
Fostered due to: financial need
Childhood Health: very sturdy
Adult Height: unusually small for their age     Adult Build: lithe but muscled
Skin Tone: extremely dark, almost black     Hair Color: strawberry blond        Hair Style: hardly wavy     Hair Length: cut to the neck
Eye Color: forest green
Literacy Level: are able to read and write fairly well
Politeness Level: they're occasionally polite, but often slip up
Focus: their attention might slip a bit but they are usually focused on their work
This character isn't winning any beauty contests
Often they share, regardless with whom
Values and Goals
Values immensely: their cousin
Values: hot places
Average goal: protect something or someone
Strong fear: the light places
A small painting is in their possession
Crafting Guild: Harper - dancer, Status: new apprentice
Other Skill picked up around Guild folk: midwifing
Odd Skill (learned outside of craft if any): boxing
Originally From: high desert community     Location size: kind of large     Location climate: temperate
Searched: yesterday


Rider for Alt Benden Weyr

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